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Canvastone Children's Art Studio

For Registration call


Canvastone Children's Art Studio

Canvastone Children's Art Studio

For Registration call    780.487.2846

Primary Program

Primary Program

We offer 4 different classes to choose from:

Primary Art Program

We offer 4 different art classes to choose from

Drawing Classes

Painting Classes

Digital Art Classes

Soapstone Carving

Art Class Schedules

We offer 4 different options to choose from:


Once a week

1.5 hours/class

These classes are for children who come once a week where they do painting one week and soapstone the next week.

These Classes Run On:

Mondays through Thursdays:

4:00 pm - 5:30 pm or

6:00 pm - 7:30 pm


2:15 pm - 3:45 pm


Once a week

1.5 hours/class

These classes run:

Mondays through Thursdays:

4:00 pm - 5:30 pm or

6:00 pm - 7:30 pm

On Thursdays, we also offer classes from:

2:15 pm - 3:45 pm

These classes are for children who come once a week where they do painting one week and soapstone the next week.


Twice a month
(once every second week)

1.5 hours/class

These classes run:

Mondays through Thursdays:

4:00 pm - 5:30 pm or
6:00 pm - 7:30

On Thursdays we also offer classes from:

12:15 pm - 1:45 pm or

2:15 pm - 3:45 pm


9:30 am - 12:30 pm

1:00 pm - 4:00 pm


9:30 am - 12:30 pm

1:00 pm - 4:00 pm or
2:00 pm - 5:00pm


Once a month

3 hours/class

These classes run:

4:00 pm - 7:00 pm 


9:30 am - 12:30 pm

1:00 pm - 4:00 pm


9:30 am - 12:30 pm

1:00 pm - 4:00 pm or
2:00 pm - 5:00pm

These classes work really well for out of town students and also for others who are too busy to commit to classes during the week.


Home Schooled

Students and early dismal students
can also join our Thursday schedule.

We also offer Thursday afternoon classes for home schooled students.

2:15 pm - 3:45 pm

These classes are available once a week, twice a month or once a month.

Class offerings are for drawing, painting and digital art only at this time.


Twice a month

(once every second week)
1.5 hours/class

Mondays through Thursdays

4:00 pm - 5:30 pm or
6:00 pm - 7:30

On Thursdays we also offer classes:

12:15 pm - 1:45 pm or

2:15 pm - 3:45 pm


9:30 am - 12:30 pm

1:00 pm - 4:00 pm


9:30 am - 12:30 pm

1:00 pm - 4:00 pm or
2:00 pm - 5:00pm


Once a month
3 hours/class

Mondays through Thursdays:

4:00 pm - 5:30 pm or
6:00 pm - 7:30

Thursdays we also offer classes:

12:15 pm - 1:45 pm or

2:15 pm - 3:45 pm


9:30 am - 12:30 pm

1:00 pm - 4:00 pm


9:30 am - 12:30 pm

1:00 pm - 4:00 pm or
2:00 pm - 5:00pm


Home Schooled

Students and early dismal students can also join our Thursday schedule.

We also offer Thursday afternoon classes for home schooled students.

2:15 pm - 3:45 pm

These classes are available once a week, twice a month or once a month.

Class offerings are for drawing, painting and digital art only at this time.

  • Our Classes start in September and end in June with two weeks off around the Christmas holidays and time off around spring break.

  • Students may START at any time, (space permitting) and may STOP at any time.

  • We offer catch up classes for students who need to miss due to holidays, illness or other conflicts in their schedules.
    The fee for a 1 1/2 hour makeup class is $10.

  • If parents need to drop their children off early or pick them up late, we will accommodate that!

  • If you would like to view the studio please contact Penny at 780.487.2846 to book an appointment.

For Class Fees and Registration information
please contact our studio.


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